News about emojis
20 September 2016
New emojis on Twitter, iOS and macOS
The release of Twemoji 2.2 provides 16 new occupational emojis in female and male versions. Moreover it adds gendered emojis to many existing ones. Now, for example, you can use a female police officer on Twitter and also men can have their hair cut:
By providing more gendered emojis Twitter keeps pace with Apple who released them as part of iOS 10.0.1 on September 13th and brought them to macOS v10.12 Sierra today.
Here you can see the female versions of the new emoji professions on Twitter (skin tone modifications are supported):
As with Twitter's addition of 72 new Unicode 9.0 emojis in July emojigrams created prior to today's Twemoji update won't be modified on Future emojigrams that contain new gendered emojis or professions will be marked with the abbreviation T2.2 behind the date of entry.
Read more about all emoji related changes and innovations of Twemoji 2.2 and iOS 10.0.1 on Emojipedia.
Further reading:
Emojipedia: Twemoji 2.2 Emoji Changelog
Emojipedia: iOS 10 Emoji Changelog