Guess and discover songs the Emoji way! is the first and largest website featuring song titles depicted by one or more emojis, so called emojigrams. New songs are regularly added.
In the category English Songs the directory comprises more than 3100 songs from ten decades, sorted by their initial letters. Song titles beginning with a digit are assigned to the sub-category "0-9", as well as to the letter the digit begins with. Moreover there is the special category Classical Music.
On the entire website all information about the emoji riddles is hidden. Hint 1 reveals the year of the song release, Hint 2 the artist. Finally a click or tap on Solution shows all the information.
Use the search option to guess songs from the 1990s only, songs by artists and so on. You can also guess song titles in random order by choosing Random Quiz.
The information provided for each entry is the song title, the artist and the year of the song release. The link to Wikipedia offers further reading about a particular song, the artist or chart positions. By clicking the link to YouTube, a search for the song is performed there. Each record shows the contributor and the date of entry.
Any idea for a song title missing in the directory yet? Submit your emojigram here!